Heathir Rhyasen

Heathir Rhyasen is a Medicine Woman in Shamanic Practice.

Teacher,  Healer, Mentor, Coach  she has been trained in, studied and practiced wisdom traditions since 1989 and is initiated into the healing and spiritual lineage of the Q’ero medicine people of the Andean mountains.

A lifetime student of the Celtic practices of her own blood lineage of the Highlands and Hebridean Islands of Scotland, she has been initiated as a Wisdom Keeper and Story Woman  in the tradition of the Màhairè.

Having been blessed to study with Shamanic Medicine and WIsdom teachers, healers and mentors, she has also received Advanced Training in Core Shamanism with the Foundation for Shamanic Studies and The Medicine Wheel, Healing the Light Body, Munay Ki Rites and Mastery Level work of the Q’ero Light Workers of Peru.

Heathir is also a certified Advanced Theta Healer and an ongoing student of traditional Eastern Medicine and Wisdom.

In the mundane world she is teaching faculty for the Educational Institute of the AH&LA, recognized worldwide, holds a Commerce Degree in Business Administration and is certified as a Life Coach and Counsellor, True Colors Trainer, Employment Counsellor and in Alcohol and Substance Abuse.

Grandmother, Mother, Daughter, Sister, Friend

Earth and Stone Keeper, Story Teller and by their Grace

Wisdom Keeper

In Gratitude ~ Beannachd Ban-Dia dhuit