The power of our Inner Sacred Garden
In an alternate reality, outside of ordinary time, in the dreamscapes of the Middle World, there is a place that is solely and uniquely ours. Our inner world, our power place, our Sacred Garden. A place of healing, a place of nurture, a place of retreat, reflection and restoration. A gathering place, a meeting place, a resting place. One of wisdom, grace and gifts.
This landscape is one that you come to know intimately and love deeply. Reflected in your pool of memory and held deep within your heart, in time, just the thought of it or the feeling of being there can return you to this place of peace, of power and protection.
As you discover and develop your garden through journey work, you will learn that it mirrors your life in the mundane world and that while all has meaning and is symbolic and metaphoric, you are the architect and steward of this Sacred place. The Magician as it were. As you design, create, add, shift, plant, water, weed or remove, so does it manifest in your everyday life. You step outside of time and into the realm of infinite possibilities.
“When I changed my garden, something in my outer life would shift in response. It was almost as though everything in my garden was symbolic of some aspect of myself or my life experiences, and when I changed the symbols within my inner reality, something in my outer world changed, too. I have since come to accept that the ability to do this is magic—real magic.” Hank Wesselman
I’ll meet you there.
Thank you for those beautiful words. I recognize how my outer life changes according to the cultivation of my inner garden. So funny – I have always been a gardener. Spent 30 years cultivating my garden on the prairies with so much dedication and love. And when I left, missed that earth so deeply, so profoundly. And now, living in Vancouver, though I no longer have a piece of earth, I realize that the garden I am devoted to lies within me.
Elaine thank you. You see the beauty and magic of cultivating this sacred space. Not only does your out life reflect the state of your inner garden but we also have the ability to affect changes through our inner work. There is deep wisdom in knowing that what we seek is within us.